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The world's best wetsuit - deap!

Julian Häring

Get the world's best wetsuit!

Produced by one of the world's leading wetsuit manufacturers using the latest materials and technology

The freestyle canyoning wetsuit with special features designed for canyoneers that are willing to take canyoning to the next level. It's perfect to jump, slide, climb and run around or to just hike and swim through the canyons a lot easier. It's stylish and incredibly comfortable and will immediately become your favorite wetsuit.

  • No zippers at all! So no zips will break or leak water.

  • 5/3 Superstretch neoprene! Perfect combination to keep you warm and super flexible.

  • Glued & blind stitched seams! Makes sure no water gets in.

  • Super rubber band seal on the inside! Prevents water penetration by a hard impact.

  • Fused cut is not only well made, no it also restricts water coming in!

  • Durable & flexible knee pads! Provides two different layers which are both very flexible.

  • Warm soft thermal lining! Keeps you nice and warm

  • Protection padding at joints, back & shinbone! Gives you the same protection as a 6mm respectively 8mm suit.

  • Draining holes at the ankles! Ensures that no water stays inside.

We are very proud to be sponsored by deap canyoning wetsuits.

Thank you very much!

Get your deap wetsuit and other stylish stuff here:

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Tiroler Schluchtenführer - Canyoningführer

Die Tiroler Schluchtenführer (Canyoningführer) bieten auf Grund ihrer umfangreicher Ausbildung und der gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Fortbildungen ein Höchstmaß an Qualität und Sicherheit die das Risiko bei den einzelnen Touren auf ein Minimum reduzieren. Ein Schluchtenführer (Canyoningführer) verfügt über eine umfassende Ausbildung und nimmt laufend an gesetzlich vor-geschriebenen Fortbildungen teil. 

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